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BTW, I have sort patches for some of the mods ... Beantown Interior for example. Might not be what you want but might save you some work.


If you decided to add Drunken Gnomes or either of the comic mods, I have patches for those as well.

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Gaahhh!!!! ::pounding ... something::


So I winnowed out maybe a dozen mods (What is this doing here? Three play-throughs and I never once used it.) Next thing I know I'm adding ... more of the ones in the guide. ::sigh:: Some I'm not adding because they don't fit my playing style; which means a round of cleaning every time you release a new core. No biggie... I'm getting rather good at it. Finally got FO4 Hotkeys working. Added Immersive Vendors but can't see it in your load order to place it.


Doing up patches, mostly tagging/sorting. Anyone know what the difference is between Collectable and Unique?


Oh, yes. Cool mod for keeping settlers busy: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20703/?.

Edited by rayhne
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New question...in your load order, right under "CWMR-Patch-Extended weapon mods.esp" you have "Compatibility patch - AWKCR - RGBO.esp", and I'm not finding that anywhere. I thought maybe it was in the CWMR installer, but I opened it up manually and it doesn't have that file in it. Where exactly do I get this plugin? I mean, it was getting pretty late, but I'm sure I followed all directions to a tee. Oh, and also the "No Fusion Core Drain.esp" I can't seem to find that one either. Thanks.

Edited by ThatGreezyHippie
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New question...in your load order, right under "CWMR-Patch-Extended weapon mods.esp" you have "Compatibility patch - AWKCR - RGBO.esp", and I'm not finding that anywhere. I thought maybe it was in the CWMR installer, but I opened it up manually and it doesn't have that file in it. Where exactly do I get this plugin? I mean, it was getting pretty late, but I'm sure I followed all directions to a tee. Oh, and also the "No Fusion Core Drain.esp" I can't seem to find that one either. Thanks.

It does look like that patch is not required any longer.

Edited by rayhne
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The latest worldpatch has NARC as a master but it doesn't really seem to need it?

I forgot to clean the mod before I uploaded it

BTW, I have sort patches for some of the mods ... Beantown Interior for example. Might not be what you want but might save you some work.


If you decided to add Drunken Gnomes or either of the comic mods, I have patches for those as well.

I'll look into collector quests in a few weeks

I noticed that not all the mods from Cut Weapons and Legendary Modifications don't have tags ... is there a reason for this? Just wondering before I tag them myself.

In January when I repaired the CORE I removed all that as it was very broken, I'm not go back to rebuilding all the tags and naming as yes as the last couple of months has been more about worlds space and stability. Each time I touch the CORE I try to pout 1hr or so in it so it's getting "Better" each revision.

Gaahhh!!!! ::pounding ... something::


So I winnowed out maybe a dozen mods (What is this doing here? Three play-throughs and I never once used it.) Next thing I know I'm adding ... more of the ones in the guide. ::sigh:: Some I'm not adding because they don't fit my playing style; which means a round of cleaning every time you release a new core. No biggie... I'm getting rather good at it. Finally got FO4 Hotkeys working. Added Immersive Vendors but can't see it in your load order to place it.


Doing up patches, mostly tagging/sorting. Anyone know what the difference is between Collectable and Unique?


Oh, yes. Cool mod for keeping settlers busy: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20703/?.

Collectables have a stand Keywors attached to them Unique do not

So if I want to stay on the combined meshes side, I need to use WorldPatch 3 and BT 8.9.2 ?

Worldspacev3 patch was just the navmshes and BTI 8.9.2

Worldspacev4 patch was just the navmshes and BTI 8.9.3 when I got to V4.6 I added VIS(Visability) for use with bUseCombinedObjects=0 (which is part of the core wiki setup it was my error to not include it.)

It does look like that patch is not required any longer.

I'll cull the patches as they are overwritten in the Modern weapon section and remove a (NULL Keyword) anyway. This will be alter this week.

Edited by Gernash
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I'll be adding tags on my own If you want a copy let me know. I've already done them for New Recipes to match your system.

you manually adding them?


if so make a new script



This script will prepend or append supplied value to the EditorID field

of every selected record.


unit UserScript;



DoPrepend: boolean;

s: string;


function Initialize: integer;


i: integer;


Result := 0;

// ask for prefix or suffix mode

i := MessageDlg('Prepend [YES] or append [NO] to Editor ID?', mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo, mbCancel], 0);

if i = mrYes then DoPrepend := true else

if i = mrNo then DoPrepend := false else begin

Result := 1;



// ask for string

if not InputQuery('Enter', 'Prefix/suffix', s) then begin

Result := 2;



// empty string - do nothing

if s = '' then

Result := 3;



function Process(e: IInterface): integer;


elEditorID: IInterface;


Result := 0;

//AddMessage('Processing: ' + Name(e));

elEditorID := ElementByName(e, 'FULL - Name');

if Assigned(elEditorID) then begin

if DoPrepend then

SetEditValue(elEditorID, s + GetEditValue(elEditorID))


SetEditValue(elEditorID, GetEditValue(elEditorID) + s);









this makes the job trivial


[spoiler=replace script]{

Replace StrSearch with StrReplace in EDID and FULL subrecords


unit UserScript;



StrSearch = '{Mod}';

StrReplace = '(Mod)';



ReplaceCount: integer;


function Initialize: integer;


ReplaceCount := 0;



procedure SearchAndReplace(e: IInterface; s1, s2: string);


s: string;


if not Assigned(e) then Exit;


// remove rfIgnoreCase to be case sensitive

s := StringReplace(GetEditValue(e), s1, s2, [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);


if not SameText(s, GetEditValue(e)) then begin


AddMessage('Replacing in ' + FullPath(e));

SetEditValue(e, s);





function Process(e: IInterface): integer;


SearchAndReplace(ElementBySignature(e, 'FormID'), StrSearch, StrReplace);

SearchAndReplace(ElementBySignature(e, 'FULL - Name'), StrSearch, StrReplace);



function Finalize: integer;


AddMessage(Format('Replaced %d occurences.', [ReplaceCount]));







I havent added an input here but just change the

StrSearch = '{Mod}';

StrReplace = '(Mod)';

Edited by Gernash
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