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Mysterious files in Overwrite



Hi Everyone. Let me first say that I have indeed read the -quite excellent- Mod Organizer guides and such. I've come to understand that it's somewhat unusual to find files left in the Overwrite folder...


I've found the following files in there now via an alert and I don't know if I should just delete them, or even where they came from:










If anyone could shine some light on this I could get back to playing!!

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It is not causing trouble. Those files are generated by that mod during character creation and you need them. You can open the overwrite folder and then drag and drop those files into any folder you like in the left pane. MO always put files generated by other mods in the overwrite. It does mean anything wrong.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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OK I will move them back. It doesnt seem that I'm able to drag and drop as the Mod Organizer says (the little + icon appears but nothing happens).


I'm assuming I should just browse to the Overwrite folder in windows explorer and move them from there to RaceMenu's folder then? ty again

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There was a discussion on the race menu forum, it looks like they should be deleted at some point, but MO does not do that. It looks like they are OK to delete


[spoiler=Pasted from Race menu Forum]

In response to post #11916595.



    It's part of the new CharGen version, and will be used for the morph editing section in the final RaceMenu version. This is normal, these files are automatically deleted when you start the game, and created when you load a game. These are all carbon copies of the existing TRI files, they will serve as a storage facility for custom morphs. The internal morph system loads the morph database as resource files, creating the files virtually proved to be difficult so I just allowed it to create the files and load them as extra morphs.


    They get cached regardless of whether you enter the RaceMenu, whenever those files are loaded at any point they are cached and mapped.



It really screws with Mod Organizer users that keep their "Overwrite" folder clean, though...


Is it safe to just delete that cache folder as long as the game isn't running?


posted @ 14:58, 15 Feb 2014





Yes. The alternative is to catch the game closing and delete them then, but it's not always guaranteed that you are closing the game safely (exiting from the menu) rather than a forced exit or a crash. The hook deletes them when the game starts, which means it makes no difference if you delete them before you start.



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