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Stripes on textures - mainly after a certain distance



Anyone know what is causing the striping issue? It seems to happen on a lot of textures in my game - they are giving me strange striping effects.  Sometimes it seems to be that at an exact certain distance the striping effect disappears - if you look at the Mountains.jpg attachment the rocks in the center of the screen show the point where the striping stops/begins.  But then other times I can walk right next to a striped object, like a rock face, and the stripes remain.


It's not just rock faces either.  If you look at the Buildings.jpg attachment it occurs on structures as well.  Easiest to notice on the wooden end wall of the building to the distant left, but it's also happening on the wooden poles in after a certain distance.


I have DDSOpted everything mentioned worth doing in the DDSOpt Guide.  Could that be what is causing this or is it something in my skyrimprefs.ini settings?



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I did what you said and it toned the issue down quite a bit so that it wasn't very noticeable, but didn't get rid of it.  It created other issues though.  I can't attach any images because apparently there's a limit on the KB one can use in a thread (rather than each message), so unfortunately I cannot add more photos here to show what I'm talking about... but I originally had my iBlurDeferredShadowMask set to 1. Things looked great except for the shadow striping. Then after I set it to 5, the shadow striping looked better (not gone), but everything else glows strangely now and objects look blurred - not as defined. Is there a different solution?

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